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Blockchain Notary Service

The Blockchain Notary Service leverages blockchain technology to create an unalterable record of your digital file's existence at a specific point in time. This service provides rock-solid evidence that can't be tampered with or disputed, offering a secure and innovative way to notarize digital assets.

Key Features

  • NFT-Based Proof: Create unique, transferable proofs of ownership for your digital assets using Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
  • Secure Without Exposure: Utilizes file hashing (SHA-512) to ensure your actual file content never leaves your possession. Only the cryptographic hash is stored on the blockchain.
  • Timestamped Records: Each notarization includes a tamper-proof timestamp, providing indisputable evidence of when a file existed in its current form.
  • Versatile File Support: Notarize any type of digital file, including documents, images, videos, and more.
  • Simple Proof Checking: Verify the authenticity and ownership of any registered file instantly through our user-friendly verification portal.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate our notary service into your existing workflows with our comprehensive API.

Console Web App

The Console Web App is designed for creating and managing large volumes of NFTs. It offers a user-friendly interface for businesses and individuals dealing with multiple digital assets.


To use the Console Web App, follow these steps to register:

  1. Visit the registration page.
  2. Provide your email address and create a password.
  3. Check your email for a confirmation link (including your spam folder if not received within 1 minute).
  4. Click the confirmation link to activate your account.

Note: Email and password are only required for account registration and login purposes.

NFTs Screen

The NFTs screen is the central hub for managing your notarized digital assets:

  • Create New NFTs: Easily notarize new digital files.
  • Edit Existing NFTs: Update information for previously notarized files.
  • Search Functionality: Filter NFTs by Status, Blockchain, Template, and Reference Id.
  • Export Options: Download your NFT data in Excel or PDF format for record-keeping and reporting.

New NFT Creation

When creating a new NFT, you'll need to provide the following information:

  • File Hash: The SHA-512 hash of your digital file.
  • Blockchain: Select the blockchain where the NFT will be minted.
  • Address: The public blockchain address where the NFT will be minted.
  • Template: Choose a template for the NFT's visual representation.
  • File Link (optional): A link to where the file can be downloaded. It is shown on certificate pdf and NFT image.
  • Notes (optional): Additional information about the file or its owner. It is shown on certificate pdf and NFT image.
  • Reference ID (optional): An external reference ID for your own tracking purposes.


The Templates feature allows you to manage and customize the visual representation of your NFTs and their associated certificates. With this powerful tool, you can create and edit HTML templates that are used to generate both the certificate PDF and the NFT image.

  1. Template Management:

    • Create new templates from scratch or duplicate existing ones.
    • Edit and update templates as needed.
    • Delete templates that are no longer required.
  2. Variable Placeholders:

    • Insert predefined variables into your templates to automatically populate NFT-specific information.
    • Common variables include file hash, blockchain details, timestamp, and custom metadata.
  3. Template Selection:

    • Choose different templates for certificate PDFs and NFT images.
    • Assign templates to specific NFTs or set a default template for all new NFTs.
  4. Brand Customization:

    • Incorporate your company's branding elements such as logos, color schemes, and fonts.
    • Create a consistent visual identity across all your NFTs and certificates.

By utilizing the Templates feature, you can ensure that your NFTs and their associated certificates have a professional, branded appearance that aligns with your organization's visual identity. This customization adds an extra layer of authenticity and professionalism to your notarized digital assets.

API Key Management

The API Key screen allows you to:

  • Generate new API key for accessing the service programmatically.
  • Copy existing API key for use in your applications.


The Payments screen provides functionality to:

  • Top up your account balance.
  • View payment history and current balance.


The Blockchain Notary Service offers a comprehensive API for seamless integration into your existing systems and workflows. Here's an overview of the main endpoints:


All API requests require an API key, which should be included in the x-api-key header.

NFT Status

Each NFT in the system can have one of the following statuses, representing its current state in the notarization process:

  1. Pending:

    • The NFT creation request has been received and is waiting to be processed.
    • This is the initial state when an NFT is first requested.
  2. Sent:

    • The NFT creation transaction has been sent to the blockchain network.
    • The transaction is waiting to be confirmed and mined.
  3. Minted:

    • The NFT has been successfully created and recorded on the blockchain.
    • This status indicates that the notarization process is complete and the NFT is active.
  4. Transferred:

    • The NFT has been transferred to a different blockchain address.
    • This status is used when the ownership of the NFT has changed.
  5. Burned:

    • The NFT has been intentionally destroyed or made permanently inaccessible.
    • This status is irreversible and typically used when an NFT needs to be taken out of circulation.
  6. Failed:

    • The NFT creation process encountered an error and could not be completed.
    • This may occur due to various reasons such as network issues, insufficient funds, or invalid data.

Understanding these statuses is crucial for tracking the progress of your NFTs and managing them effectively through the API.


  1. Get Available Blockchains

    • GET /notary/blockchains
    • Returns a list of supported blockchains for NFT minting.
  2. Get User Templates

    • GET /notary/templates
    • Retrieves all templates available to the user for NFT creation.
  3. Get NFTs

    • GET /notary/nfts
    • Returns a list of user's NFTs with optional filtering and pagination.
  4. Mint New NFT

    • POST /notary/nfts
    • Creates a new NFT with the provided file hash and metadata.
  5. Get NFT by ID

    • GET /notary/nfts/{id}
    • Retrieves details of a specific NFT by its ID.
  6. Get NFT Certificate PDF

    • GET /notary/nfts/{id}/pdf
    • Generates and returns a PDF certificate for the specified NFT.

Sample Requests

Here are some sample curl requests to demonstrate how to use the API:

Mint New NFT

This request creates a new NFT with the provided file hash and metadata:

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "fileHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
    "blockchain": "POLIGON",
    "templateId": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
    "address": "0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e",
    "fileLink": "",
    "notes": "Important contract document",
    "source": "api",
    "referenceId": "CONTRACT-2023-001"

This request will return the newly created NFT details, including its unique identifier.

Get NFT by ID

To retrieve details of a specific NFT using its ID:

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY"

This request will return the details of the NFT with the specified ID, including its status, blockchain information, and associated metadata.

Remember to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key, and use the appropriate NFT ID when making requests.

For detailed information on request/response formats and parameters, please refer to the full API documentation.


  • Web App: NFTs start from $0.20 each, with a minimum payment of $10.
  • Custom pricing available for bulk notarization and enterprise needs.


  1. What is a blockchain notary service? A blockchain notary service uses blockchain technology to create a tamper-proof, time-stamped record of a digital file's existence, providing proof of ownership and authenticity without revealing the file's contents.

  2. How does NFT-based notarization work? We create a unique Non-Fungible Token (NFT) for your digital file, which includes a hash of the file and timestamp. This NFT is then recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable record of your file's existence and your ownership at that time.

  3. What types of files can I notarize? You can notarize any type of digital file, including documents, images, videos, audio files, and more. The file itself is not uploaded; only its unique hash is recorded on the blockchain.

  4. Is my file content secure and private? Yes, your file content remains completely private. We only store a cryptographic hash of your file on the blockchain, not the file itself. This hash acts as a unique fingerprint of your file without revealing its contents.

  5. Which blockchain does your service use? We currently use Polygon for our notarization service. This blockchain was chosen for its security, reliability, and widespread adoption.

  6. How long does the notarization process take? The notarization process typically takes a few minutes, depending on blockchain network congestion. Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, your file is officially notarized and you'll receive a confirmation.

For more frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQ page.

Contact Us

For custom plans, enterprise solutions, or any questions, please contact our support team:

We're here to help you find the right solution for your business!